The Asellus ConsortiumPermalink

These are the current members of The Asellus Consoritum. Our goal is to better connect the community of isopod researchers through meetings and symposia, compile data-sources, protocols and basic knowledge on Asellus aquaticus, and to organize.

The consortium is open to anyone - if you are interested in helping us, please get in touch with us at

Elvira Lafuente

Elvira Lafuente


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Elvira is interested in the mechanisms by which organisms cope with environmental changes. She is particularly fond of Asellus and studies how these aquatic isopods deal with stressors arising from human activity.

Katja Räsänen

Katja Räsänen

University of Jyväskylä

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Katja is interested in integrative eco-evolutionary processes within organisms and populations as well as ecosystems. She finds A. aquaticus both an ugly beauty and a well-suited model system for studying responses of natural populations to human induced changes.

Blake Matthews

Blake Matthews


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Žiga Fišer

Žiga Fišer

University of Ljubljana

website | twitter

Akshay Mohan

Akshay Mohan

University of Jyväskylä

website | twitter

Meredith Protas

Meredith Protas

Dominican University of California

website | twitter

Moritz Lürig

Moritz Lürig

Lund University

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Moritz is interested in causes and consequences of phenotypic variation within and across natural populations. He is using a range of invertebrate study systems, but isopods are his favorite.